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Tuesday, March 7


With a little Revolution 1 (by the Beatles of course) playing in the background, I want to shoot a little politics.

How do I keep this short and try to make some sort of point? I can't. Sometimes I feel like I'm transforming into my hated enemy, the Democrat. Of course, it must be said that when I say hated, it is kind of like how I hate the New York Yankees. I don't really hate them because it is a privilege that they get to play at all...and I love American's playing a game they love for money.

Anyways, I think sometimes I'm turning into a Democrat. My oh my, what the hell is happening??? Then I think...I'm not really changing. My ideals are still intact, my philosophy is still there...and the craziest thing about it all is that a lot of my Democratic influential peers don't really disagree with my ideals and philosophies much (as far as I can tell). So what's up with that?

I think sometimes that we have lost ourselves in all this Repub/Demo labeling. Tho, I'm still very fresh to politics in general, I'm pretty sure I'm going to find that we are all very lost. I think society's labels of what Repub/Demo are, are old and rather contradictory. So onto the idea of liberalism and conservatism...I was asked one time to explain the 2 straight out. I couldn't do it. I feel like I need to be able to. Yeah?

So, Cuba, U.S., and the WBC.
I am so grateful to baseball and I'm very excited about the WBC...but then I get to a point in my thinking that to support the WBC might mean I'm disrespecting the game.

I just took a good bike ride and I can't finish this now...maybe in another post...but I can say I am definitely questioning the WBC as a positive or necessary tournament.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes I feel like I'm transforming into my hated enemy, the Democrat.
-----I'm a democrat.

Of course, it must be said that when I say hated, it is kind of like how I hate the New York Yankees.
-----I love the Yankees (and am most likely to watch their game than an Astros game).

and I love American's playing a game they love for money.
-----Say those words to Bagwell for me.

...and the craziest thing about it all is that a lot of my Democratic influential peers don't really disagree with my ideals and philosophies much (as far as I can tell).
-----Brandon and I are really just humoring you for the sake of each other.

But, hey, Bush IS the people's president, right?

12:47 PM  
Blogger Brandon said...

Dear Michael,

Do not fret about your wavering in the political system; these are hard times which require even harder scrutiny at a great number of things, including, how we vote.

I agree on your assessment of how the labels of Republican and Democrat seem to be, again, changing with the times; I also agree we over-label these days.

A lot of your Democratic peers agree or adopt your philosophy because underneath us all, we have the same understandings and needs.

It's getting to those needs that we disagree on, and that's okay.

The majority of America isn't one or the other; why do you think straight-ticket voting isn't as high as it should be?

Because, well, both parties are offering things most Amercians want.

Republicans are pretty good at talking a game of building business, financial prosperity and ensuring wealth;

Democrats, however, are good at promising balanced budgets, jobs, health care and civil rights.

Both sound good, right?

Republicans haven't done so well lately on the war issue, nor much about civil rights.

And Democrats are lost in trying to find their voice. As a famous actor (a Democrat, at that) once said, "I belong to no organized political party... I am a Democrat."

If you side with Democrats on some issues, does it make you a bad person? Hell, no.

When I side with Patricia Harless, staunch Republican, who supported banning gay marriage, does it make me a bad person? A hypocrit? Hell, no.

We need to work together.

In the mean time, stick on the safe side; You're a moderate, until proven otherwise.


12:52 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Thanks for the comments guys.

9:28 PM  

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