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Thursday, March 2

In my FIST

Wow, what a largely unproductive night. The World Baseball Classic caught my attention and I actually thought about staying up until 1 so I could watch a few innings of Taipei vs Korea. I already know how the game goes up until the 7th inning, so...I think I'll skip out on that one. Besides, the one I really want to see doesn't come on until 3:30. So, my brother and I sat around discussing why college basketball is on ESPN2 instead of the WBC...and then why MLB.TV would black out the games if we decided to purchase them thru that same venue. All the while channel surfing...watching "Secreto Houston", "Family Guy", a Gallery Furniture commercial, and "Sports Center".

So, sometimes taking up smoking is kind of appealing..yea, you heard that right, smoking. Not really tho. Smoking is a wretched habit with a wretched smell. Tho, fresh cut smoke from a cigarette sadly reminds me of good times out on the Pavilion lawn listening to a little Dave. Lieutenant Dan, she tasted like cigarettes.

But you know, there is an attraction to smoking. I find it kinda quirky when somebody says, "I'm going out for a cigarette break." I like quirky things (for the most part, and can't think of anything quirky that I don't like at this moment). It is I dare say it? Cool, ok? It still has that old school Hollywood coolness to it. You don't get that when they ask me "Where are you going", and I reply, "I'm going out for a walk break." A walk break? It's almost like there is no point to it...not like when a person smokes a cigarette. Hitting that last little bit of it, cheeks pulled in, eyes slanted. I would be such a cool smoker too ya know. I would hold a cigarette like I'm smoking something else and I would look off into the distance pondering what life means. If somebody interrupted me while in my focused day dream, I reply with the utmost confidence, my voice steady and deep, and say, nothing. I would slowly turn to them and look them in the eye...and they would wonder if my look was that of disgust (for breaking my meditation) or that of genuine interest in their disrespectful interruption.

But...smoking isn't cool because it's a waste, and my wasted admiration of it is only of its facade. What kind of a weirdo starts smoking because they think it will make them cool? All smokers I would assume.


Blogger Brandon said...

I agree. I would much rather take a walk break than a smoking break.

Let's not beat around the bush here, Michael, and lets call it how it really is...

Smoker: "I am going out to blacken my lungs a little more with a thick tar, rat poison and other dangerous shit that will lead to one (or more) of these symptoms: yellowing of the fingernails and skin, a nice aged look, lung cancer, emphazema, scented clothing, nasty kisses (menthol breath is the fucking worst!!!), not to mention looking like a real asshole when the other guy in the office is taking a healthier relaxation measure in the form of a walk break."

Non-smoker: "I'm going out for a walk break. Breathe some oxygens. Stretch the muscles."

You see, Michael, you are rather silly with your wasted admiration, so quit it.

12:39 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

HA! So funny, I knew someone would do that. Call me out for saying I have any kind of "anything" for it.

But duh.

I mean, have you ever played basketball with a guy that take a smoke break between games? Amazing (in addition to all the other amazingly stupid things that people do by smoking).

Don't Color Me Badd bro.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Brandon said...

Exhibit A:



That is the size of a smoker's lungs. I liked your post; Color Me Badd--ha!

Catch the Oscars? If you didn't, you missed a classic joke by Jon Stewart:

"Bjork could not be here tonight. She was trying on her Oscar dress, and Vice President Dick Cheney shot her."

Har. Har. Har.

Make sure to vote.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I'm uniformed...are you sure you want me to vote?

Oh crap, did I just open up a can of worms?

Vote or Die Bastard!!

10:09 PM  
Blogger Brandon said...

When I don't know the candidates in the race, I pick which name sounds best...

"Senator Hamric? Senator Patrick? Senator Ellis? Senator Nixon?"

Just don't pick Patrick, okay? ;)

12:49 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

So Patrick was right, you do have something against him. Just kidding with you.


I can't believe you would say something like that...pick which name sounds best...Yea, I don't believe you mean that. But, I think it is interesting that you would leave something of this much importance to you even slightly unclear.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Brandon said...

Sorry, didn't see this one until today...

No, if I am uninformed on the issues or the candidates, I don't vote for them; But, I do vote-- even if I only know about a single candidate or position.

Be vote smart, Michael.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Thank you for the link Brandon.

9:14 PM  

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