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Monday, February 27


I think I have found my Album of the year. It's so great, I almost don't want it to end. Because when the music ends... it's like those nights when I would get back to my apartment, the weather was nice outside, I wanted the door to be open so bad...but I'd have to close myself off from everything. Falling asleep with the neighbors going at it and both of my phones next to my pillow.

(sometimes I didn't care that I was in a bad neighborhood, I gave them the middle finger and left a window or door open.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? I had no Idea?

Cancer hugh? I'm gonna die in a car accident or OD.

Who am I?

5:44 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Car accident? OD? Who are you? I don't know who you are, but you are an idiot if you die from an OD.

5:54 PM  
Blogger Brandon said...

So, did I miss it? What is Album of the Year?

9:28 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Hmmm...Album of the Year...It's a little something I like to declare each year. It gives meaning for me to the new year.

I think it's a great exercise in individuality. You choose an album that (this is the short version) meant a lot to you during the course of the year (a song is also picked). While you are picking, all the influence that those around you have seems to drift away...because you are picking it based on what it meant to YOU and only YOU. If it made you feel inspired, it doesn't matter it your best friend hated it or not. If it made you feel alive, it doesn't matter if it played on the top 40 stations. You feel it, and when you choose, you kind of hold yourself feel like the artist that you have picked has won something important. And ya know what, I think they did, because it is an honest pick, not something that the charts imposed upon them.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Brandon said...

I think I will choose Anthony Callea's self titled debut as my Album of the Year.

Oh, thanx for explaining.

12:31 AM  

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