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Sunday, January 29

Not available

I just want to say that I like the internet. I can't say why right now...or probably ever, but it's nice to know that I know why I like the internet. Or whatever. Whew...anyways.

I'm tired...this weekend made me tired. But things will be good...they will be good. I picked Falling Away With You by Muse this week over at think all will enjoy.

Err...I didn't really have much to say, but I wanted to say something, so I sat here and said something, even though it really was nothing. Now I'm going to go lay down, watch an episode of The Office and drift uncalmly off to sleep...thinking that Jim should really tell Pam what he thinks because we all know what should happen and that is that.

Shouldn't real life be like this? Nah, then it wouldn't be fun...because walking over hot coals IS fun, right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes the Internet is filled with bullshit, too, though. And, what do you mean by your last paragraph?

1:19 AM  
Blogger Brandon said...

Thanx for writing something :) LOL

7:08 AM  

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