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Saturday, January 7


After today's bike ride, I thought about what I said last. Saying that I get depressed because "things are never perfect in this world" seems like a horrible cop-out. It's more like this: I get depressed because I don't get my way. I never get my way because even when it is good (like it was today) I still act like a baby because I don't want to deal with not being perfectly happy...I don't want to deal with not being able to make everyone around me feel perfectly happy. I feel ashamed because I want a fairy tale story. Geez, I am embarrassed, but for that anonymous person out there, I'm more real.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, some truth. I yearn for more, because if I push hard enough, you'll heal.

Michael, you cannot save the world, hard as you try and you cannot be the steward of everyone's happiness.

Why do you feel you must be the one to make everyone happy? Lest you yourself are happy can you seek to help others find their own contentment.

Also, you can't have your way all the time; Life just doesn't work that way. On days when it isn't going so well, look to what is going right-- even if it is as simple as health, or you ate a great bowl of cereal, or someone said something that temporarily made the clouds go away-- and hold on. A day that goes your way will be around the corner.

One more thing, my dad told me something very important once: We only have a set number of seconds, heartbeats and opportunities-- don't miss them because you will never get them back.

There is no day but today.

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u know, i'm not for sure about these postings anymore. they've taken too much away from our used-to-be quality times which often occurred after 5 o'clock workdays.

we're losing touch and you don't care.

3:54 PM  
Blogger Michael said...


I have to admit, I am being curious about who you (or you all) are...but, I have to also say, I kind of enjoy not knowing. Makes me wonder if you are a co-worker, an ex-girlfriend, a friend, or some guy reading blogs in his spare time in an artic science station. Don't say anything! I like the challenge, I have to be more careful about what I say, but still try to be more honest at the same time. I think that this is a good exercise, nice to take over into daily life as well.

Anyways, I agree with a lot of what you say, thought about most of it myself. But, it is still nice to hear other people saying too.

I dig what your Dad said, very good words...that's the kind of phrase blog posts are born from.

Don't sound so sad, no...go ahead.

3:56 PM  

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