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Monday, January 16

One million dollars

I was listening to KUHF today at work and I was listening to this artist talk about his work. He had taken a picture of the Million Man March and apparently put a bunch of overlaping words at the top of the picture. As I was listening to this guy talk, my boss and I quickly realized that this guy is totally BSing about the meaning of his work. The interviewer asked something like, "So why are all these words at the top of the picture? Because to me it seems like there are too many and the clutter of it is taking away from the meaning of your photo?" The "artist" responded by saying something like, "Well...America's past is cluttered and that was what I was trying to make a point of."


My boss and I blew up in laughter the second he finished his sentence. Come on man, perhaps you took a great photo, but don't blow it by pretending you did something to cover up your lack in artistic ability.

I also hate it when artists start off answering an interviewers questions with, "Ummm..." Why is there an "Ummm..." there for? I believe any line after an "Ummm..." is an unsure and unmeaningful peace of crap explanation for what they did. I mean, when someone asks your name, what do you say? " least that was what I was going for." No way.

So, my lesson for today...if I ever have to say "Ummm..." about my artwork then I wasn't sincere in producing it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm... well.... you see... this comment has no point.

7:59 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

1. Sorry.
2. I like driven people.
3. I agree with you.
4. Good idea.

10:15 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

3. I really don't see why you had such a problem with the perfection striving.

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Michael needs to be more real;
2. Michael needs to write another blog entry;

12:53 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

1. For an anonymous poster, you sure ask for a lot of honesty from me.
2. Dedicated to anonymous and my anti-parallelessnessism.

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[I also hate it when artists start off answering an interviewers questions with, "Ummm..." Why is there an "Ummm..." there for? I believe any line after an "Ummm..." is an unsure and unmeaningful peace of crap explanation for what they did.] Sorry, i dont agree with you on this. The word “um…” does not mean that a person is not sure about their art, or ability to do that artwork. I know a person so talented… so incredible wonderful, his artwork is just breathtaking yet he has trouble explaining what he wants to say. He stumbles over words here and there, uses um… and uh... constantly, but this doesn’t mean that he is not sure about his art. If he was able finds the words and was able to convey them, I am certain he would do it in such a way that each word would compliment his art. So in conclusion I believe you said this because you believe this in yourself… not in others. So the next time you say “um” ask yourself… is what everyone else says a bunch crap… or are the words that are coming out of your mouth a bunch of bs?


12:28 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Interesting point. A visual artist supposedly chooses visual art as a form of communication because it one of their best ways to communicate. If speaking was the best way for the them to convey their feelings, then perhaps they wouldn't be doing visual art. ...all of this to back up your point.

For me, I believe that some BS has fallen from my mouth in the past about what something means. It is "meaning" on the "fly." It's fun and interesting what the art could have meant, but ultimately still untrue.

So, sure, I'll give you that, "umm" might not necessarily mean that BS is sure to come...but I still think an artist should work on being confident and understand what they are saying with their art. What better time to think about it than when they are actually working on it?

One last point...some art CAN be incredibly beautiful and have no other meaning except for the fact that it exists.

Uhh..I hope that made sense.

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[One last point...some art CAN be incredibly beautiful and have no other meaning except for the fact that it exists.] This is the purpose of art, for the purpose of only existance is there are. I do agree that some art has other purpose but the main point in the world is to be there, to exists in a way that it just simply does. I don't agree with you on... [but I still think an artist should work on being confident and understand what they are saying with their art.] at the point when you said that you became oxymoronic because earlier you stated [A visual artist supposedly chooses visual art as a form of communication because it one of their best ways to communicate. If speaking was the best way for the them to convey their feelings, then perhaps they wouldn't be doing visual art.]make up your mind... cuz you never know if you'll be able to explain yourself/art to any random person on the street if you were put it on the line.

- anonymous

12:23 PM  

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