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Saturday, January 14

Funny, haha

I forgot that I turned on comment turn, I didn't realize I have to publish the comments myself. I started wondering what was going on when my peeps kept on saying that they had written comments and I wasn't seeing anything. Duht.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, you don't come across as selfish, Michael; sometimes lost, perhaps without direction, but never selfish.

Besides, you care too much about others-- making sure they are taken care of. That can't possibly make you selfish. In fact, I'd say pretty selfless.

Which is why I think you are above all, just a good natured, caring, sometimes sensitive (but for damn good reason) gentleman.

Don't change.

By the way, I nearly almost revealed myself to you sometime this past week, but I decided not to, myself.

It is much more helpful for the both of us that way.

5:17 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

What an interesting development! ...and at the same time, interesting. I think I will limit my comments on this particular subject and let it be. I have a feeling that it will be more helpful.

6:54 PM  

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