Man, I really question the giving of gifts sometimes. Sometimes I think that the Jehovah Witnesses are really onto something with the whole not giving gifts thing (even tho my reasons are somewhat different). On to a tangent a bit...I hate the fact that the one thing Witnesses are known for is not celebrating birthday's. I am embarrassed to say that I don't know more. Can someone fill me in? Why don't Witnesses celebrate birthdays, Christmas, New Years, holidays? What else makes Witnesses different from other forms of Christianity?
Anyways, for my birthday, I had a really hard time accepting gifts from friends. There was a combination of reasons for why I didn't want to even celebrate it.
1. I am embarrassed that I still live at home at the age of 29. I don't care what anybody says, and what excuses I can come up with for me still being here (which I feel are somewhat legitimate) I am still embarrassed. In fact, I have vowed not to celebrate another birthday until I move out.
2. I feel like I didn't celebrate 2 (actually more) of my friends birthday's properly. I completely missed one. Duh. Not celebrating mine felt like some sort of payback.
So I rejected a person's wish to go and celebrate my birthday. I thought I did the right thing. I explained my reasons, it made sense to me. So, I didn't understand when they got angry. I reasoned, that if birthday's are so important to this person, then they should be able to accept my wish not to celebrate it. I didn't know that she had gifts for me. And that is how I understand her side of the story.
It sucks to have someone reject your gifts. I honestly didn't care if they didn't have a gift for me. Now the gift sits here like some soul in limbo. Neither here not there, Hell nor Heaven. I can't keep it, I already have it. I can't give it to someone else, because it wasn't for them. And now, I don't want the person who it was intended for, to have it either.
But enough with that...I have to admit, again, that I think I deserve this bit of payback...for reasons not previously discussed.