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Saturday, November 25


I've been thinking lately that it would be a good idea for me to write more often. Again. Writing is such a nice thing to do too. The fingers grace the black keyboard and it is like playing a weird looking piano. I like the sound of it too when I start typing fast and the great combos are nice as well. You know, the Shift + whatever key to start the sentence off with. Makes me feel like I am accomplishing a great musical piece is just rolling off my fingers with Ben Folds-like precision (I would have named one of the greater masters, but then I would have to go look someone up and...well, it is a long story and I don't feel like being embarrassed...yet again.)

But alas, I still like typing from time to time. It is like stretching in the morning. My fingers used to ache from typing so much, but they kind of miss it now-a-days. They are like, "Oh Michael, how come you don't use us anymore in such a straining manner??" And I say, "because Rick has to have something to do too."

But seriously. Typing seems to be such a wasted quasi-talent at this point in my life.


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