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Tuesday, October 25

Cold feet

We are down 3-0...the Astros that is...and to be honest with you, my finger tips hurt when I type. Why, you may ask...because over the course of 5 hours, I bit my nails to the bones.

I am still happy.

The Astros are in the World Series. This is the ultimate baseball game. I am even keel right now, I am having a hard time being angry or sad about losing yet another game in the greatest series on the face of this planet. Am I not a good enough Astros fan? Do I not care about their fate? I can't see that being true, but I just realized, I shouldn't care. One of my favorite teams in baseball is getting to perform under all of those dazzling lights. It's not about winning or losing...being a baseball fan is about admiring great plays, regardless of who they come from. I must be careful now, I shouldn't confess myself to be a very knowledgeable baseball fan. I am a good fan. I love baseball because baseball is one of those things that came along to save my life.

There are very few of these things. May I make a list?
Baseball, The Fountainhead, The Miracle of Mindfulness, my guitar, my ex-girlfriend...and maybe this is where I should step off the rubber. I must admit, I did not expect her to be one in my list, but *bang* there she was. I guess I forget sometimes where I was at and what that place did to me (FU ABX!).

The somber mood has now set in.

She saved me from myself, and baseball helped me save myself from her. And in the end, I feel like I need to say, "Thank you for letting me come back here to experience baseball."


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