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Thursday, November 17

Habitual Words

Habits are weird. Here is the definition I looked up from for the word "habit": A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.

So, I was going to talk about strange habits I've started picking up...but, is it a habit if for some odd reason, I just start doing it day after day, hour after hour?? It first started with the way I write the letter "F", I have been writing this letter the same way for most of my life, then about a month ago I started writing it different. I noticed it too, the first time I wrote it different. My hand simply didn't go thru the motions like normal...but it felt correct. Since then, other letters have followed the same lead, right now, my hand is trying to get me to write "B" differently. (This one I'm fighting a little because the B's are not as clear.)

Here is one I've notice. I don't remember exactly when I started saying it, but I was definitely over using these words today. Ridiculous and Excellent.

I'm tired. Goodnight. SO THERE!


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