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Thursday, April 28

2 am

It's almost 2 a.m. and I'm not naked but the smell of the baking powder that I put on my carpet is driving me insane. I remember an apartment in which I used this stuff a lot because I hate cats. No, I don't hate them, just wish I had never met one.

Going back to work tomorrow, had a job today. I'm stuck now. I wish time would stand still for a bit and allow me to finish this damn CD. My ability to create has now been rudely scorned since I supposedly need to get a life. I think Dad was right.

So I let him listen to the work I've done tonight. I hardly have any finger nails left. His comments?

1. "What is all that noise at the beginning there?" It is rain Dad, but I suppose you can't hear that because of these stupid speakers (yea, blame it on the speakers).

2. Random humming...particularly on songs like June 23rd, Porch and S-Ghettos(the latest title for Spaghettios)

3. "Did you make that sound?" Yep. "You can make that sound with your program?" Yep.

4. "Oh that is interesting." In reference to the effect I added to my voice during Alcohol.

So, not a bad showing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm stuck now. I wish time would stand still for a bit and allow me to finish "this damn CD"( is this your "passion work"? if this is your passion, shouldn't it be respected by people, especially in yourself? Isn't anyone pushing you to finish it? Dont you need to rush? Why? For who or what do you make this CD?Good music should be taken time, shouldnt it? Dont you stop making music after finishing this CD? Answer these to yourself.)

My ability to create has now been rudely scorned since I supposedly need to"get a life"(It is true.
Couldnt you change it or face it? Dont be mad at it. If you are mad,will you be stuck on your mind forever?Dont let it obstruct your progress. Do
your "passion work" whenever you get chance. Dont be frustrated. OK?)

Didn't u make "String Theory"?:)
Yes.You did it. It's remarkable.:)
It is my best favorite of yours.:)
You can't you make more music like it, can u? Definitely. Take you time, Michael.:)

Like Angela said you are rookin now! Keep going!:)

8:45 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

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11:20 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Thanks Chau for the support. Mainly I want to finish this sometime this summer...just to go along with the title, "The Never Ending Summer." Tho the mass population will never know when I actually finished it, I will. It would bother me if I finished the CD in December. It just doesn't seem right to me. So, I don't want to have to wait another whole year just to be at ease in my mind. Thanks for the compliments. =) "this damn CD" is mostly directed at myself and the fact that I am really having a hard time working on moving my life forward because I would rather spend my time working on the music than figuring out how I'm going to go to UH next semester.

I think I have at least some talent in graphics arts as compared to me singing...I'd better get it together and make some money soon.

11:21 PM  

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