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Sunday, March 27

The Never Ending Updates

Well, I thought I'd better write something in here before I leave it stale indefinitely.

1. Work has been good to me.
2. I think that I have less than a month left to finish the self-released album.

Ya know, that really seems like a long time considering I feel like it is so close to being finished. I'm really excited about this, it is an interesting feeling being so excited about something that really isn't going to change much in the universe. At first maybe only about 15 people will know of the "finishing." Beyond that, maybe 50 or so people. Other than that, it might take years and years to garner any one else. The original 65 people are people that I know...or people close to me know. I might have about 3 "real" fans if I'm lucky. Nope, I should have more than that, just because some people know me. I should have at least two...Mom and Dad. Funny tho, I think they will be slightly upset that some of the songs they have been hearing for years have changed. I think I should give them a special copy.

Anyways, back to being excited. These songs will be finished and therefore they will no longer haunt me. I no longer have to think about how I want to fix that part of this part, I can then say that those songs are milestones. I can look back at them and think...geez, they were so amateurish...and then not have to feel like I have to try again and again to make them better.

So, I think that I have all the songs in their final composition as of Thursday last week. Now all that is left is the details!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm listening to your music now.It's great:)You're Pro:)Now you have one more "real" fan :)

7:37 PM  

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