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Thursday, February 24

A New Direction

This Blawg has just been given purpose.

It will now follow the controversial path of my band. Controversial?? Not really, actually we are so unknown, and so much NOT a band, that there is actually nothing that is controversial. In all honesty, this blahhhg is more controversial than my band is.

Anyways, let me start off with a mock interview, and then I will write about a couple of updates....

Q. What is the name of your band?
A. Stare Decisis

Q. What in the f*** does that mean?
A. It means: let the decision stand.

Q. Why did you choose that name?
A. Ummm...because once upon a time, I used to work for this company and two of my co-workers dated.

Q. I don't get it, could you please explain further?
A. Ok, well, I have this idea that there is some unifying philosophy that people could live by (kinda like the theory of relativity (what that is to physics)...I's been awhile now) Anyways, if people follow this philosophy then people could live correctly and happily. Many people like to follow religion...this is the same kind of deal...but sometimes I think that religion doesn't provide all of the answers...and often it requires blind faith.

Q. Uh, I still don't get it, you better get to the point, or I'm going to get bored of your senseless rambling...
A. Ok, well, I had a thought once that if two people decide to break up, then they should stay broken up. It just didn't make sense to be flailing around so senselessly hurting each other so meaninglessly. It seemed obvious that it wouldn't work out. Aside from that, it was annoying me and everyone else in the office. At that time, me and my band were looking for band names...and I stumbled across the phrase "Stare Decisis" in a political science book. It's a law term. It made sense, you know? If you break up, let it stand...let the previous decision decide how to approach the appeal process in a relationship. In this case, it was obvious that it wasn't going to work out, my two co-workers simply didn't have the patients and understanding for each let it ride and stop letting it get into the friggin work place.

Q. I am sorry I even asked that question.
A. Well you should be.

Q. How long have you guys been together?
A. Well, me and my brother have been playing for...I dunno 7 years or something? The band that goes by the name of Stare Decisis has been around for about 5 years. The first song we played as a band is now almost 6 years old.

Q. What song is that?
A. June 23rd

Q. What is that song about?
A. Maybe I'll tell you another day.

Q. Ok, well, have you guys played anywhere cool? Done anything rad?
A. Hardly...let me think...well, we did donate $170 to the local radio station so we could get one of our songs played. The donation was for the Tsunami. Awesome cause...and at 2 something in the morning we got to hear our song cut short. But it was cool incidentally...the name of that song is String Theory. This is where the blog's name comes from.

Q. Any news lately?
A. Nope, not really. Oh yea, duh, this blog is going to watch the progress of our band...whatever that progress might lead to.

A. Can I make a shout out to my friends?
Q. Sure.
A. This is a shout out to my friends!

Q. Are you finished yet?
A. Yep.

Q. It's about time.
A. F*** you A**hole.

Anyways, that went rather smoothly. Umm...So a short list of updates to our music.

1. Two days ago, I went crazy and started a new song…mostly piano. I’m calling it “Knot Philosophy” so far…I’m thinking of it as a prequel to “String Theory.”
2. Worked on Alcohol a lot…added some piano and organ to it. It gives it a completely different feel…I’m not sure I like it yet.
3. Started work on a vocal melody for Crickets and Frogs.
4. Created yet another song list for the never-gonna-be-finished album. Kept it in the line of thought that I would like each song to represent a month of the year.

Anyways, I’m tired now. I’m out.


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