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Wednesday, February 16

Cool Music

Wow, what a night!

1. I flipped on my poor friend tonight, she happened to touch a nerve. Thank you for helping me get it off my chest...sorry.
2. These last couple of weeks have been awesome...I can't believe I actually think that.
3. So, I was about to write about alot of the new music I have been listening to lately, when I thought about a recommendation I received earlier in the day.
4. So as I was checking to see a video from the group, The Killers, I was redirected to a video by My Chemical Romance.
5. The video was called Helena. So interesting, somehow. Ultimately cool.
6. Then I finally saw the video called Mr. Brightside by The Killers. I've seen this video, I think this guy looks like Rivers...another cool 80's sounding words too.
7. I checked out the Helena song again...and let the Launchcast continue playing...
8. A song called Existentialism On Prom Night by Straylight Run (I keep thinking Raygun...those witty guys)...another great song.
9. After that I got to hear The Cure and now Depeche...geez, maybe I should listen to this thing more often?
10. Dude, the lead singer from DM is ugly.
11. I was starting to think that maybe I'm just tired and that's why everything is sounding good...never mind ICP just came on...and remember that some music does suck...imho
12. Maybe I am being too easy again...this song is cool...Evil by Interpol...and a really cool puppet more video...let see if there is anything else cool on...
13. The Exies...sounds ok, not enough to keep me awake...later...

ps...check out this least the front page looks cool.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I fell asleep for a while and just woke up now! .. Just read yer blog! ... Likin it! ...i want to know who all these musicians are too and listen to the songs you are listening to! .. I feel like your shadow gotta keep up with you! ..ha!

12:27 AM  

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