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Tuesday, March 29

Opening Tuesday Day

Tuesday mid-morning and the beginning of my middle-of-the-week weekend begins. This is currently my favorite day of the week. It is like a fresh pallet. I like thinking about where I stand with my projects on this day and think about where I would like them to end up by Thursday night.

Tuesday morning is like opening day baseball. The games actually mean something now (even though by October, they mean virtually nothing). Tuesday morning begins this mad dash to be the first since Ted Williams to hit over .400.

This actually brings up a slight tangent. If you didn’t know what batting averages stand for, which explanation would you prefer?

1. Batting .400 is like getting 400 base hits if you had 1000 at-bats.


2. Batting .400 is like getting a base hit during 40 percent of your at-bats.

Anyways, back to the other subject. I must admit that I am very tired of listening to my music. I’m listening to it day and night, trying to learn which parts are going to get boring. I’m trying to learn where this or that could be played better. Listening for anything that will eventually annoy me to no end. The funny thing is that the whole songs are starting to annoy me. I’ve probably listened to my music more than I have Radiohead or Pearl Jam (far greater bands than my own), and in this context it just seems like a travesty! But regardless I must push on, I am ready for this thing to be finished.



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