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Wednesday, December 8

42 Page Research

While I'm sitting here waiting for this 52 page PDF on P2P networking prints out, I thought I'd write a few words.

I hate writing papers...I'm probably not really waiting on the research I found to print out, I'm probably just procrastinating. My friend Angela said that I should act as though I'm telling a good friend about it. I think she is on to something.

After I read the 42 pages of info, I think I will be primed and ready...I will then proceed to write a letter to Angela about how P2P networking works. The letter will include "..." and all my other everday slang that I would not usually put in research paper. I think I could squeeze out a 7 page letter to my dear friend...I already feel sorry for her. After that, I'll send a slightly upgraded version to my professor minus the "..." and the everday slang that I use.

Word to your Mother.

Monday, December 6

In The End

One of my favorite parts about the end of a college semester is the "rush" of it, the last hoorah, the final push. I like the fact that everything (except this post) goes on indefinite hold until you finish your course work. There are a few friends I haven't talked to in weeks, I know what they are doing...they are studying their butts off.

I like pulling up the messenger and seeing that my friends have little sayings next to their smiley faces like, "I'm studying, don't bother me." I like knowing and seeing that my friends and I are trying to raise our intelligence at the same time.

I remember when I lived in Greenspoint, I used to want my girlfriend to come over during this time and be with me while we made the final push towards the end of the semester. She never did. I would somehow think that this would be a great memory to have, total silence in room where two individuals are attempting to stuff their brains full of knowledge. Why should studying have to be so solitary?

Friday, December 3


I thought that I'd drop some of my "art" in here since this is the main reason I created this blog. This is done with oil bars (opposed to oil pastels). If it were up to me, I would use oil bars all of the time...wait a is up to me!

By the way, could it be that my friend Ang inspired this posting with the rampant searching of an artist's interpretation of a stormy night in Paris? Highly likely.

Thursday, December 2

Them Or These?

I've always had a hard time with memories. I would rather ignore them than conjure up some dormant feelings for a time seemingly better than right now. Somehow though, I've been thinking that a healthy pursuit of new memories can keep my head high. Maybe it's when my good memories are far and few between that I miss the good times so badly...maybe if I went out of my way to make a great memory every day, it's then that my memories are good thoughts to have. My future becomes certain and positive because it becomes necessary to fix myself up with a life time of good memories, just so the past doesn't hurt.

So, without further ado...Thanks to my (recently rediscovered) Cuz for the following memories:

1. the vanilla flavored root beer
2. the ghetto-fab rhinestone spinner dollar store watches
3. the Almost Mystic Training Day
4. the music sample (by the way, who was that again??)
5. the trip to wally-world
6. the gum centered pops instead of the tootsie roll type
7. the cat that wouldn't let you go upstairs
8. the cough that didn't keep me up all night
9. the great ear and the chance to get to know ya again

Oh and did I ever get to say that I thought your glasses were cool?