Man I hate the Yankees. I must admit tho, that I have a soft spot for some of them. I guess I'm saying if there was room on the Rangers or the Astros, I wouldn't mind seeing them play for us. Those guys are:
1. Joe Torre - Ok, he's not a player, but maybe he could be the bench coach for the Rangers...just have him do something, maybe a personal advisor to UB? He's cool. He looks like a real he was on all those glorious and legendary Yankees teams of the past.
2. Don Mattingly - Alright, alright, he's not a player anymore either. But, he is still cool in my book...he stuck with the Yanks when they sucked.
3. Bernie Williams - Yea, he dropped a ball tonight, I suppose that pushed me over the edge. I've never heard him brag about anything and he has always seemed to just go out there and play. Yea, it is weak for me to like a guy just because so many were about to crucify the guy back in NY, but hey, I guess I'm human.
4. Mike Mussina - Another guy I'm going with just for the general ambiance he has put out there. Another guy who seems to work hard and hasn't let playing for the Yanks get to his head.
5. Ruben Sierra - Man, it is hard for me to root against you still...even after you punish us at the end of games. My fondest memory of Sierra was when Nolan Ryan was trying to get his 300th win. I think it was in Milwaukee, and Sierra comes up to bat. Sierra crushes a ball...but it is caught at the fence. Ryan didn't get his win, but I remember seeing Ryan rooting with his eyes for the Sierra ball to go over the fence. I guess I always imagine Sierra wanting badly to help put a deciding blow to the Brewers for Ryan.
We lost tonight by 1 run...I was without further ado, here's my list of most hated Yankees in order:
1. Gary Sheffield - trade bait, what he did to a fan was much worse than what Kenny Rogers did to that lame-o cameraman. In fact that cameraman is proving to me that he deserved worse from The Gambler.
2. Derek Jeter
3. Alex Rodriguez
4. Randy Johnson
No particularly love and could be the object of my acute loathing at any point:
5. Tom Gordon
6. Kevin Brown
7. Tony Womack
8. Mariano Rivera
9. Jorge Posada
10. Hideki Matsui
11. Jason Giambi
12. Carl Pavano
13. Tino Martinez
Oh yea, how could I forget George?