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Tuesday, May 3

Decaf my Decay

A reply from one of my friend's blogs...and I said I would try to veer away from subjects like this, oh what the hell...

Ok, so equal rights for homosexuals?

Sure, why not? I really don't care what other people do in their bedrooms...which is the only place where homosexuality should be known (same for heteros).

So, I would say I'm not for homosexual rights...I am, however, in favor of 2 people wanting to partner up to enjoy the benefits of being 2 people teaming up. You know, this way 2 friends that could care less about sex could pair as well...of course, I don't know who those people are, but I'm sure there are a few of them.

I have a few thoughts to allowing people to have these freedoms. Why do people not want to allow for this to happen? The biggest reason I have heard time and time again is because it helps with the decay of human morals. Being homosexual doesn't directly cause these is all the crap around it that does. For example, if everybody kept their sexual orientation in the bedroom, no one would really know what is going on, particularly the little kid that plays outside of their house. I mean, I have lived with a couple of different buddies at various times, but I'm as straight as an arrow. Did the kids outside of our apartments think that I was gay? Probably not, because they didn't see anything. It is a natural thing for 2 friends (male) to live together. For a person to know that 2 guys are gay, they would need to see some action...from holding hands to having sex. Seeing two guys have sex could possibly mess up some kid's head. It is the same thing for heterosexuals. Sure, it is obvious that it is not right for a little kid to see 2 opposite sex people having sex...just the same as two same sex people having sex (interestingly enough, I think that seeing either situation would not have had a different effect on me when I was young. I think I would been equally freaked out by both and I think I would still end up loving women). The question here is about know, public displays of affection. Man, when I was in junior high school, all I wanted to do was find a girlfriend so I could hold her hand. I got that from watching everyone else. We see tons of implied sexuality as kids. In that, there is the problem. Moral decay comes from is peer be cool, you must have a girlfriend or boyfriend (if you are a girl). Kids get hooked on this "need" and it lasts...the more you get, the more you want. They cannot live without it...and then start making horrible sacrifices so that it will never leave them. Like, getting married too young...getting pregnant while they are too young. Feeling the pressure of getting old and not having a girlfriend...instead of concentrating on things that are real to people. For me, school should be near the top of my priorities, not finding a girlfriend.

So, what am I in favor of? I think 2 people should be allowed to form a legal partnership. They should never be able to break out of it...if they are tempting a break (like cheating) or create a break there should be consequences. If you cheat on your partner, the cheating party should lose some of the benefits that go along with a partnership. If a person is getting a divorce, we should look at their track record of trying to form new partnerships. People with multiple partnerships should be getting diminishing returns on their benefits. I think this would fix another problem of decaying morality, the lack of loyalty...and the lack of people's confidence to wait for the "right" person. I think this is the most harmful to kids, seeing parents breaking up. Too many of us have seen it.

If these things were in place, maybe we would get off the question of homosexuality and get on the real question...How do we succeed in self preservation and perseverance? The lack of these things create the decay in morality.


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