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Tuesday, August 2


Tomorrow is going to suck. More begging for forgiveness. Geez, I'm not a rebel or anything of the sort, but I hate having my fate in someone else's hands. I suppose tho, that this would not have happened had I worked harder...oh...7 whole years ago. I should also think that I am fortunate to have this chance.

Ya know, I was looking at my transcript for the past 10+ years. I noticed a disturbing trend. This is not entirely accurate but my GPA after losing a girlfriend = 1.73. My GPA while times were good or while I didn't have a GF = 3.24.

Hint: Don't plan on dating for another 5 years, because in all honesty, it really isn't worth my time to blow another few semesters.


Blogger Michael said...

Ha, you are cracking me up. There are 3 seperate situations...

1. I don't know if she ever went to college.
2. She wanted to be a doctor, and the last time I spoke to her, she still had not received anything less than an A.
3. She has a Bio degree and is now riding a full scholarship to be a RN (i think that is right).

So yea, in 2 out 3 spots...I'm sure they did graduate with honors. It's my turn dammit!

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha..ha, I like you girl:)Probably, next time is gonna be my turn coming to your desk.:)
Ya know he needs to be waken up. He was "sleeping" too long time. Ya beating him up.
Sorry, Michael. She's absolutely right.:)Just let them go.They're on their ways, keep going on ya way.
I let my EX go. If the new one comes along, it will be awesome.If he's not, I'm still going on my way and hit my goal.
Buddy, life goes on. Open ya heart. Love is awesome. Dont deny it when it comes to you. Ya gonna be a loser in another way if ya let it go and then continue looking back. That sucks, right?ya know that.Am I TMI?:)sorry if I am.

By the way, we know that ya good;we've seen ya websites, music and pics. They're awesome, man. you go, man. Good luck buddy:)

Ya friend from Colo

10:57 PM  

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