Recently, there has been an unusual influx of heavy secrets laid upon my ears. What's the deal?
1. The End of the World Scenario: The world is ending and somehow there is a collective consciousness forming about the soon-to-be event. It's kind of like how people all go out to eat at the same time (waiters, etc, know about this very strange phenomenon). So, collectively, people are ridding themselves of truths they hold within themselves, like a guy who is on his death bed and wants to make peace with the world before he dies.
2. The Myspace Phenomenon: People are finding the courage to tell people how they feel because they also found the courage to ask friends they haven't talked to in years to be their friend again. I would bet we all go thru the same fear of rejection when asking a former friend to be a neo-friend in this epic "friend revival". So, how many have YOU rejected anyways?
3. The Esteem/Confidence Double Shot: When I FORGET to TRY to be more confident, I think this means that I have BECOME more confident. I'm looking people in the eyes more often, I'm biting my nails less, more napkins and beer labels make it to the trash can intact, I expose my passions more often and calm irrational emotions quicker, and I'm generally a happier more stable person. Who wouldn't want to divulge a few secrets to a person like this? I know I would and have in the last few months.
4. The Thirty Theory: I'm almost 30 and everyone knows it...a bunch of my friends are nearing or have recently past this fabled mark. What am I saying? That perhaps people are starting to realize that the mistakes they make now could destroy much of their lives. In another words, live life better NOW before it is perceived as being "too late". Telling secrets is the start of an attempt to straighten out the winding road.
5. The Idea of Deservation: Is anyone really good enough to get a wall of defense to be built in their honor? This is not really a possibly explanation so much as it something I just wanted to point out. So, going back, does anyone deserve to have the "real" you tucked away behind a facade? Do they deserve all the hard work a person puts in to hide themselves from the world? Nope...and I'd like to thank K-Dox for pointing that little perspective out.
6. The DMB Elitist Epiphany: The secrets have started snowballing. I've asked more personal questions and have spoke more personal truths and received the same at an almost alarming rate. People are beautiful beings and I feel like people should be allowed to be beautiful. Encouragement of this freedom leads to an addiction of this freedom. Who in the U.S. can imagine WANTING to live under Hussein's regime? Doesn't it seem inconceivable that there are those in Iraq who wish for it to go back to the way it used to be? We thrive on the freedom our country provides and would ideally die for it. So why then do we accept interpersonal slavery of our likes/dislikes, passions, loves and tastes? We should enjoy these likes/dislikes (etc) and get over the criticism of them...and in this I've been practicing. It's a way of survival, if I expect people to be cool with me, I must be cool with them. Ok, ok, in another words, it's cool to like what you like and I'm cool with that. No one should be embarrassed because they like Brittany Spears (isn't it funny her initials are BS?).
So, for any of you who might read this and have planted any number of your secrets in my mind, know this: They are safely hidden away behind my brain and will lay there in peace.