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Sunday, May 21

Layout this!

Today I realized why we were always forced to critique other people's art in school. Not that I didn't like doing it (it was one of my favorite parts of class) but I understand better now why we were doing.

I used to be such an A-hole too. I made it a point to say at least 1 thing negative and 1 thing positive about other people's art...sometimes I would go on way too long about the negative. Err. I really thought that I was helping them too. I don't remember why now, but one day I just thought that maybe I was really hurting some feelings, so I really pulled back.


Today, (oh no, I'm about to talk about work!) I became angry. What is it with people? Seriously, what the F is it with people? No one knows how to say if they really like something or not. I've heard so much about how people like this or that...and then they try to change it the second they get the chance. I perceive it as backhanded and weak.

I also have a problem with helping cover other people's mistakes. Am I doing my job well by doing so or am I cultivating a culture of laziness and mediocrity?

Tuesday, May 16

Sooner or later, I'm going to disconnect this blog from the resume section of my site. In another words, you won't be able to find this blog from my homepage. I just figure it wouldn't be that great for employers to see my (sometimes strange) rantings about who knows what.

It is definitely that time again.

Sunday, May 14

Take anything

The most interesting things that have happened lately are all of these little perspective changes. My perspectives change because I become aware to the purpose behind peoples actions.

Tupac? Yep, I understand better why so many people admire him (not that I do now, but I respect certain aspects of his artistry). Rap is not about the music as much as it is about the mode to deliver lyrics.

Big? Yea, last I heard, it wasn't about the lyrics so much as it was about his delivery of those lyrics. Fine, so I didn't like his voice but there was something rather "rolling" about the way he said his words. Does that make him good? For me, not yet, but I understand better what he was about.

The show 24? A whole season is covering 1 day? Yea, that's cool too, helps out it's cheesy image in my mind's eye.

People's motives? Somehow, sadly I think sex drives people even more than what I believed before. Funny, because I thought that my perception of people's quests were already irrationally overblown.

Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix is a billion times better than White America by Eminem. It disturbs me to no end that others (probably) can't see this. It makes me want to cruise out to the park on a hot summer's day and fall asleep beneath the shade of a tree. I'll take my acoustic guitar and the first girl that agrees with me. Oh yea, and a can of bug spray.